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You’re Getting Warmer!

4.8 ( 128 ratings )
Vývojář: Gerald Conn

You’re Getting Warmer! is a fun app using humorous animations created by children to highlight the causes of global warming and test your knowledge of the subject. Recommended for players ages 8 upwards.

Watch the entertaining short animations made by young children themselves describing what they think are the causes of global warming in their own words. Then see if you can answer the questions, which have been vetted for scientific accuracy, and find out more about climate change in the process. Learn about how global warming can affect us and what changes we can make in our lives to combat its effects.

This app is designed to be used in a classroom, or home setting. It takes approximately 10 minutes to play through the app and can be used as an educational tool by teachers and parents to introduce the subject of climate change to children using the opinions and artwork of young people themselves.

The app was developed by Gritty Games and funded by the Arts Council of Wales, Communities First Caerphilly and Riverside Cardiff and Caerphilly Arts Development.